Thursday, May 19, 2005


"Home is all the places that could say more about you than you ever could." Wow, I don't think I've ever quoted a poster before.... but yeah, I think that quote is just amazing. It's from a poster that was duct-taped to Mr. Stracco's chalkboard... yeah.

Alright, so I just watched the OC season finale. Holy shit. That's all I can say... I seriously cried in the middle, I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT SEASON! SERIOUSLY.

Bah, to all you that don't watch it, you probably think I'm disgusting. Oh well. Sooo yeah, got 2 cavities filled today, no fun. Apparently one was deep, almost to the pulp... but I've been taking care of my teeth better now than ever, so I don't know what to do to keep them healthy. Oh well, maybe my dentist will give me some tips.

So Djamajay broke my watch today. Haha, no biggie though, it was an accident... and I'm pretty sure that the watch repair guy will put it back together for free. He's an awesome old guy. Kind of like my shoe repair guy... the kind of person that you wish you knew better, so you could find out how to be that nice and patient with everyone. Maybe it has to do with the fact that he works amist glue fumes every day.

So it's coming to the end of the school year... it's depressing. I always tell myself that I'll still see all the people over the summer, and that it'll be better because I won't have to deal with all that crappy learning. But... I know that, realistically, I won't be able to keep in touch with them all. I need to throw one last party for Aeia though, before she moves to Ohio. I don't know what I'm going to do next year without her, I can't imagine not having her there to talk to when I need it. I know I'll still be able to call her and everything, but I know that we'll slowly grow apart, she has a life to live in Ohio, and I have one to live here... I'm just glad that I at least got to know her, before she's gone. Home is all the places...

Ahh, but I still have to do homework. I guess my life will go on for now. Stay classy, and always remember the sharpie for signing. ;)


Anonymous said...

I didn't really know Aeia...but I'm still going to miss her. I don't think she likes me very much though. Oh well. I like her, I think she's nice.
I noticed that poster thing too and I thought it was really cool too. I have finally returned to blogger, and updated. so take a gander. have fun with signing dj.

Anonymous said...

oh, also, what are the last 3 songs on the perishers cd? cuz i cant find the names for them anywhere.

Dunky said...

Haha, posting in my own blogger. Uhh, they're songs from different CD's... and I forgot which ones. Hehe, I was intending to write you out a track listing.. but then I had to do my geometry homework.