Sunday, April 24, 2005

Whhaa... ?

Alright, so I just got back from Galena with the scouts, it was a lot of fun. It started with an interesting trip on the way there.. A tollbooth disaster. We were going through the manual lanes to get the trailer added onto the fee, and as we were accelerating back up to speed, a small car came skidding from the far left high-speed lane (who appeared to be speeding by a lot... which is odd because traffic was going at around 50, pretty congested) and ended up stopping roughly 30 feet off to the right side of the road, without hitting anyone (and the car proceeded to start backing out of the ditch as if nothing had happened). Of course, also, there was my dad's generally bad driving, which lead us to a fender-bender (we were sitting at a light, and for some reason, my dad switched from the brake to the accelerator, and wasn't watching where he was going). Nothing really happened, we pulled over, and the laydee talked for a bit, then we left. I don't know if my dad wants my mom to know... so I haven't mentioned it. Shhh, random internet population.

Uhh, then there was a few other things that happened on the way, like skidding to a halt and narrowly missing cars... but like I said, it's just my dad's terrible driving. I think on the way back, he was more careful... but then again, I fell asleep on Tyler in the back seat, so I wasn't really watching. (My brother says "oow oow!").

Galena itself was pretty fun, especially this time, because the group that I was in was just 4 of the older scouts, so I finally didn't have to do all the U.S. Grant crap. We didn't go to a single "stop" on the trail, and we didn't even attempt to get the patch. It was a lot of fun, we did exactly what we wanted.... walking around and window-shopping, spending a lot of time in "Poopsies", and watching Mike cut himself fairly badly, and then refusing to get a band-aid for 10 minutes as he sat and used his pant leg to put pressure on the wound... just to tell you how bad it was, his nail was sliced about a centimeter in... the slice was from the side of his finger. Ahh, just goes to show, don't carry a sheath knife, and if you do, don't play with it all the time... and to trust me when I tell you that Buck knives are sharp. From what he said, this was the first time he'd ever used his knife.. because he told me that he didn't want to "waste his first cut on anything bad, like that stick."

Ahh, what a fun weekend. Tyler picked up this awesome fibre optic lamp thinggie, which would do crazzzy things... let's just say it amused us for about 15 minutes in the store, and half-an-hour that night in the tent, and then most of the ride home today... well, the parts where we weren't sleeping on each other. ("Oow oow!").

The ride home was fairly uneventful... oh! Tyler had a new experience on the trip that will change what he does (or at least he said it will) at night. Wink wink, nudge nudge ("free fingers").

I had chorus tonight, it was pretty normal, I'm cantoring a mass next week for the youth group (it's the closing liturgy). Uhh, when I got home, I taped my brother acting stangly, and we watched it... haha, it was pretty funny.. yeah, you kinda had to be there.

I also showed my mom the movies that I've made (the ones that weren't porn... mostly) like the blair-witch project one, and the newer, last-post one. I think she was relativly worried that I'm hanging out with John, because now she knows some of the things that he does. Hehe.

Well, I think that's about all for now, I'm kind of tired of typing... maybe I'll go call Aeia, and talk about Tim.... muahahaha.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

No, I'm not avoiding you. Don't worry. Glad you had fun in Galena...Oh, and I would take that Haupt thing down...he got kind of pissed when he found out students were looking at it...