Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"Has sex with caribou."

I said that "Hoosier" is a stupid nickname, and that if nobody knows what a "Hoosier" is, why would you go around calling yourself one and that for all we know, "Hoosier" could be a Native American word for "has sex with caribou." Many people wrote in to object, strongly, to that statement, including one Hoosier who pointed out that--and it is hard to argue with this logic--"Indiana has no caribou."

So, that's Dave Barry... Ahh, to answer questions...

It was Kustusch, that was a cheer that we made up (the boys group), the after-party rocked, everyone hooked up, including someone who went to the basement to make out and more haha (no names :) )... and for my birthday, I want cllloottthhees! Especially t-shirts, ones that I can wear without people going, "Huh? What's that mean?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you hook up mr dunkma?! w/e happened to yuor 2nd virginity?